
At the heart of everything we do is protecting you, your loved ones and other people. This is known as ‘safeguarding’ and it is our most sacred duty.
Through 50 years of disrupting gang activity and resolving ASB issues, we have engaged with and safely protected thousands of ASB victims just like you.
We are Fully Certified by The British Government in Safeguarding and we have undertaken comprehensive Child and Adult Safeguarding training. We have consistently championed the rights and safety of the vulnerable. We have Chaired many critical Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) meetings where we have orchestrated partnerships between multivarious agencies.
We have spearheaded initiatives that centered vulnerable individuals and facilitated their safety through a fortified and synergised multi-agency network of protection and welfare. This ensured a cohesive, multi-pronged protective strategy for the most vulnerable in our society.
We have created and overseen transformative strategies to kindle aspirations and foster hope and opportunity for ASB victims. We have eradicated the scourge of drug trade, youth violence and gang activity from hundreds of estates, parks and public areas and restored them as safe sanctuaries of peace and community harmony. We have safely resolved thousands of ASB cases, all while keeping our clients 100% safe, protected and anonymous. 
This is the extensive experience and knowledge we bring to safeguarding and protecting you, your loved ones and other people.