We have over 50 years’ experience of helping ASB victims just like you and permanently resolving ASB issues.

We are Fully Certified by The British Government, The Police and Cambridge University. The British Government has granted us a Level 2 Certificate in Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values. ‘Safeguarding’ is the term used for how we protect you, your loved ones and other victims of ASB and it is our most sacred duty. We have undertaken extensive training in Child & Adult Safeguarding and we were appointed as Safeguarding Champions in our careers. We have helped thousands of victims of ASB while keeping them 100% anonymous, safe and protected. 

We are vetted to the level of the Police; this means that we have consistently passed numerous Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks and CTC (Counter-Terrorism) checks to maintain our suitability to work with victims of ASB throughout our careers.

Josh Nathan

Our CEO Josh Nathan has over 20 years’ experience working in antisocial behaviour law and enforcement. He is a Postgraduate from Cambridge University and is currently working with Oxford University on researching, designing and delivering their globally-revered Undergraduate courses.

He has also been invited by Cambridge Professors to write a paper on the criminal justice system. He has a Masters in Law and a Law (LLB) Hons Degree and tutors a number of law students at the A-Level, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Josh is currently in the process of becoming a Judge. 

For 15 years, Josh was the Commander of a Task Force of elite officers that achieved a 77% reduction in ASB in London. This task force actively targeted organised crime and sought to deter, disrupt and destroy gangs operating in human trafficking, modern slavery, drug dealing, weapon supply, youth violence, knife crime and acid attacks.

Josh and his team neutralised these criminal enterprises at their core through legal interventions and imprisoned hundreds of gang members. They also vaporised the gangs’ revenue streams of millions of pounds and tore down their illicit power structures. 

Josh was profoundly honoured to have been selected to receive the coveted “Police Bravery Award” for his actions in apprehending a man who was attacking members of the public with a machete.

James Sterling 

Our Director of ASB Strategy is James Sterling. James led an elite ASB enforcement team for 15 years.

He is a master of ASB strategy and guides and advises agencies on the safe, proportionate and effective deployment of ASB powers and enforcement tools. Over the years, he has successfully obtained, issued or advised on hundreds of ASBOs (Antisocial Behaviour Orders), CBOs (Criminal Behaviour Orders), ABCs (Acceptable Behaviour Contracts), Injunctions, CPNs (Community Protection Notices), PSPOs (Public Space Protection Orders), NANs (Noise Abatement Notices), NOSPs (Notices Seeking Possession), Community Triggers, Community Remedies, Mediation Services, Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, Tenants / Residents’ Associations, Safer Neighbourhood Teams and Restorative Justice Programmes.  

James was also profoundly honoured to receive a Police Bravery Award for preventing a male from inflicting fatal injuries on members of the public with a sword.

Jack Taylor 

Jack Taylor is our Director of Social Housing Investigations. He currently works for one of the UK’s leading housing associations and will give you a privileged ‘inside view’ on exactly how housing associations investigate and respond to ASB issues. Crucially, he will ensure your housing association is following best practice and meeting or exceeding its obligations to you in how it is investigating and resolving your ASB issue.

Jack has worked for over 10 years in managing ASB complaints made to his housing association at the informal stage and Stages 1 and 2. He regularly liaises with the Housing Ombudsman and he has also worked as a Neighbourhood Manager as a frontline response to ASB issues on estates and within housing blocks. He has dealt with thousands of ASB cases from the most trivial to the most serious at every level of his organisation up to the most senior levels. He therefore has a very comprehensive knowledge of how ASB issues should be addressed and resolved at every level in large-scale organisations.

We are extremely privileged to have Jack’s insight and experience available to our clients as he works for a leading housing association and we therefore protect his identity.

Cambridge University
Oxford University
James Sterling at the Police Bravery Awards Ceremony