Advocacy, Action & Advice on Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) 

We are ASB Pro and, as far as we know, we are the only service in the UK (and possibly worldwide) that offers what we do; an antisocial behaviour (ASB) resolution service for private clients and businesses such as yourself, regardless of your location or ASB issues.  

We are extremely confident that our service stands unmatched, unrivalled and unparalleled in the ASB resolution sphere and that it is not offered by any other individual or organization.

We are also the only ASB resolution service that will allow you to remain 100% anonymous. 

ASB & You

Is the quality of life of you or your loved ones being affected by other people?

Then you are most likely the victim of antisocial behaviour (ASB).

We have over 50 years’ experience in permanently resolving ASB issues and helping thousands of ASB victims just like you.

We are Fully Certified by The British Government, The Police and Cambridge University.

We guarantee you will remain completely 100% anonymous throughout the whole process as we resolve your ASB issue.

You don’t even have to give us your real name or details if you don’t want to – and we will still advocate, advise and take action on your behalf.

That is our 100% guarantee!

We can help you – remember, nothing will change if you do nothing so contact us today for a free initial consultation and don’t suffer in silence.


We have over 50 years’ experience in resolving and supporting people just like you dealing with ASB issues and environmental crime:

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is defined as unacceptable activity that causes alarm, harassment or distress to an individual, to their community or to their environment.

It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder or public nuisance.

Early intervention

Early intervention is crucial so contact us today. Nationally, 75% of ASB cases are resolved at first intervention. We champion the proactive use of positive engagement, education, mentoring and diversion activities over enforcement where possible and appropriate to support people to change their harmful behaviour.
Remember, if left unaddressed, ASB can lead to serious and tragic consequences that impact a whole community such as assaults, weapons offences, gang activity, drug dealing, human trafficking, modern slavery, young people being placed at severe risk, knife crime, violence, acid attacks and murder. 

Remember, you are not alone in being a victim of ASB

82% of UK adults say they are experiencing or witnessing at least some anti-social behaviour in their local area.
There were 1,045,401 incidents of ASB recorded last year; this costs government agencies £3.4 billion a year.
During COVID, there were over 2 million reports of antisocial behaviour in a year.
We currently offer a very generous Referrals Rewards Programme where we will pay you up to £100 for any people or organisations you refer to us – click here for more information.

Stand up for your absolute rights


You and your loved ones have the absolute right to feel completely safe in your home without fear of intimidation, nuisance or harassment. 

You and your loved ones have the absolute right to feel safe at work, at the pub or gym and at all times as you go about your daily life. 

No one has any right whatsoever to make you or your loved ones afraid or avoid a place you love or the daily activities you enjoy.

Remember, we 100% guarantee that you will remain completely anonymous throughout the whole process as we resolve your ASB issues.

You don’t even have to give us your real name or details if you don’t want to – and we will still advocate, advise and take action on your behalf.
We have over 50 years’ experience in helping thousands of ASB victims just like you and we are Fully Certified by The British Government, The Police and Cambridge University.

Contact Us

We will listen to you and believe you and support you and your loved ones no matter what.

get in touch today

Then you need our 100% Anonymous Advocacy Service. You don’t even have to give us your real name or details.

We take information about the ASB from you and then we advocate for you from start to finish while you remain 100% anonymous – that is our 100% guarantee.

This means:

– We will provide constant support to you and your loved ones by phone or in virtual meetings – it helps to have someone to talk to and we are here to listen. We will also recommend other agencies that can help you and make the referrals for you if you need more help.

– We take all the information you can provide about the ASB.

– We are trained and recognised ‘professional witnesses’. We therefore report this information in our name, not yours, to the agencies that can take action. As we have been in ASB enforcement for over 30 years, we know exactly how to organise and deliver the information (or ‘intelligence’ as law enforcement agencies call it) so that the agencies have instant access to the intelligence they need and know how to act on it.

– We diplomatically remind or inform agencies of the many powers and enforcement tools they have to combat ASB and ensure they are deploying these powers and tools appropriately, safely and effectively in your area.

– We continuously liaise with the agencies on your behalf. We have years of experience of securing the help of the Police, Local Authorities, the Fire Brigade, the NHS and many other agencies that can help. We help these agencies form effective action plans and ensure they are patrolling and deterring ASB in your area. We check that they are actively stopping and taking action against perpetrators of ASB and thereby doing everything they can to resolve your ASB problem. We are here to reassure you that the appropriate agencies are listening to you and doing their job properly.

– We know exactly how to hold these agencies to account and ensure they are doing their jobs properly if they are falling short of the standards of protection you deserve. They know that they will be answering to us and we will certainly be taking action if they fall short of the standards you deserve. 

– We stay in regular contact with these agencies and actively chase up results and progress, ensuring we provide you with regular updates. We liaise with you and ensure you play a vital part in any decisions to determine what action will be taken against the perpetrators of the ASB that are disturbing you.

– We also help you understand the process of how agencies tackle crime and ASB, what strategies are being deployed, what results to expect and how to proceed if you are not seeing the progress you deserve.

– We give you the latest advice to improve your own personal safety and the security of your home or business.

– We are prepared to attend public meetings about the ASB problem and passionately advocate on your behalf.

– We will represent your interests in any mediation procedures with the perpetrators of ASB; we will act on your instructions and there is absolutely no need for you to attend these meetings.

– We are trained professional witnesses so we are very experienced in presenting intelligence, gathering information, overseeing the deployment of ASB powers and enforcement tools, writing statements and attending Court to resolve your ASB case.

We do all this while you remain completely 100% anonymous – that is our guarantee. As we said above, we don’t even have to know your real name or details if you don’t want to share them with us.

We guarantee that you can remain 100% anonymous to us and to anyone else throughout the whole process while we advocate for you and resolve your ASB issue.

We have a combined 30 years’ of experience as ‘Team Leaders’ (the equivalent of ‘Sergeants’ in the Police) helming elite teams of ASB officers. This work was highly sensitive and we were therefore vetted by the Metropolitan Police to the same level as every police officer i.e. we were consistently vetted for and passed Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks and Counter-Terrorism checks.

We are also Safeguarding Champions; this means we have undergone extensive training in Child and Adult Safeguarding and our most sacred duty is to safeguard (or protect) you.

We are Fully Certified by The British Government, Cambridge University and the Metropolitan Police.

Our CEO Josh Vanathan has over 15 years’ experience working in antisocial behaviour law and enforcement. He is a Postgraduate from Cambridge University and is currently working with Oxford University on researching, designing and delivering their globally-revered Undergraduate courses. He has also been invited by Cambridge Professors to write a paper on the criminal justice system. He has a Masters in Law and a Law (LLB) Hons Degree. He is currently tutoring a  number of law students at the A-Level, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

For 15 years, he was the Commander of a Task Force of elite officers that achieved a 77% reduction in ASB in East London. This task force actively targeted organised crime and sought to deter, disrupt and destroy gangs operating in human trafficking, modern slavery, drug dealing, weapon supply, youth violence, knife crime and acid attacks. Josh and his team neutralised these criminal enterprises at their core through legal interventions and imprisoned hundreds of gang members. They also vaporised the gangs’ revenue streams of millions of pounds and tore down their illicit power structures.

Josh was profoundly honoured to have been selected to receive the coveted “Police Bravery Award” for his actions in apprehending a man who was attacking members of the public with a machete.

Yes, we can. At the heart of everything we do is protecting you and other people. This is known as ‘safeguarding’ and it is our most sacred duty. Through 30 years of disrupting gang activity and resolving ASB issues, we have engaged with and mentored at-risk youth. We have redirected hundreds of young people away from the clutches of gang life or other dangers and empowered them to embrace education and career opportunities as viable paths to success. We have personally engaged and nurtured young gang members, delved deep into the tangled roots of gang affiliations and created transformative strategies to kindle their aspirations and foster hope and opportunity. We have eradicated the scourge of drug trade, youth violence and gang activity from hundreds of estates, parks and public areas and restored them as safe sanctuaries of peace and community harmony.

We have undertaken comprehensive Child and Adult Safeguarding training and we have championed the rights and safety of the vulnerable. We have Chaired critical Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) meetings where we have orchestrated partnerships between multivarious agencies. We have spearheaded initiatives that centered vulnerable individuals and facilitated their safety through a fortified and synergised multi-agency network of protection and welfare. This ensured a cohesive, multi-pronged protective strategy for the most vulnerable in our society.

This is the extensive experience and knowledge we bring to safeguarding you and your loved ones.

We extend our services to anyone in the UK i.e. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island.

No, you most certainly are not wasting anyone’s time. Remember that ASB can lead to fatal and tragic consequences if left unaddressed. We are here to listen and help you and we will believe you.